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Dermaplaning is one of the top ways to exfoliate your face.  The process of Dermaplaning consists of an aesthetician using a small, sterile blade and swiping the blade upward in a gentle motion. A lot of patients we come across have questions about Dermaplaning, and we are here to answer those questions for you today.

  1. What is the purpose of Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a great way to exfoliate your skin.  Dermaplaning will reveal more youthful, smoother, glowing skin.  In addition, the process of Dermaplaning removes all of the “peach fuzz” from you face.

  1. If I remove all of the hair from my face, will it grow back coarse and a darker color?

No! This is a question we are asked a lot!  Dermaplaning has been around for years and even after several Dermaplaning sessions, patients did not see a change in the consistency of the hair on their face when it returned.

  1. How long until I see the effects of Dermaplaning?

The results are almost immediate! Within a few hours of the Dermaplaning session, you will notice a smoother complexation. Over time, you will start to see the diminishing of dark spots, the reduction of scarring, and fewer wrinkles depending on how frequently you have the procedure performed.

  1. Is anyone a candidate for Dermaplaning?

No.  Although most people can benefit from Dermaplaning, it is not for everyone.  Dermaplaning cannot be performed over areas with extreme acne.  If you only have a small trouble zone, the aesthetician can work around it, but if your face has several trouble areas, it’s best to address the acne and move on to Dermaplaning once your acne has cleared up.

Dermaplaning is a great way to reveal younger, brighter-looking skin.  Dermaplaning delivers the best results when paired with a medical grade peel.  For more information, or to book your Dermaplaning session, call our office today!

Plastic Surgeons of Lexington is the oldest Plastic Surgery group in Lexington, KY.  Our practice is devoted to the surgical management of patients with aesthetic and reconstructive surgery needs. We specialize in Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery, Botox, DOT Laser Therapy, NeoGraft, Skin Injections, Breast Augmentation, and Liposuction. We now offer a variety of Aesthetic services including Chemical Peels, Dermaplaning, and Skincare Evaluations. Please call our office today at (859) 276-3883 to schedule a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!