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My Labiaplasty Experience


“I am so happy to share my experience with labiaplasty surgery because I want other women to know there is a solution! I wish I had known about this procedure sooner.

When I say my elongated labia dominated my mind, I mean it colored every thought, decision, and experience I had. ‘Better not buy those cute pants; they’re too form-fitting.’ (Tight pants rubbed and twisted my labia and caused extreme discomfort.) Or how about when I went on a first date in downtown Lexington only to arrive and find out he had rented bikes for us to ride. What should have been a carefree get-to-know-you was an hour spent hiding how uncomfortable I was. But dates never progressed past the first few anyway; I was too ashamed even to consider an intimate moment with a partner. My body wasn’t the same after having my kids, but I figured this was just the way life progressed as a woman. Girl, was I wrong.

It all came to a head on the day of my sister’s wedding. During pictures, I was wincing in pain from the constricting Spanx I was wearing, and she forced me to tell her what was up. Can you imagine this discussion on the happiest day of her life? But she is my best friend, so I dished, and I’m so glad I did. Not only had my sister’s friend experienced the same discomfort, but it was corrected with a labiaplasty. So let this be a lesson, always share your pain. 

I was aware of the concept of a labiaplasty because of prevalence in our cultural ether, but I never considered it an option. I guess a part of me didn’t think I deserved to feel better? It’s hard to write that, but I have always struggled to justify authentic, life-changing self-care. ‘This is a gift you give yourself,’ my sister told me. I will never forget those words that started me on a journey to a new lease on life.

I researched surgeons in the Lexington, KY area and found the 5-star surgeons at Plastic Surgeons of Lexington. I am so grateful!”

Give yourself the gift of a pain-free life with aesthetic genital plastic surgery at Plastic Surgeons of Lexington. Our surgeons are committed to helping women look and feel their best at every stage of their life. Contact our office at (859) 276-3883, or fill out a form and we will be in touch shortly.

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My Decision to Have Labiaplasty Surgery

Shame and Pain

“I was still operating from the antiquated mindset that discussing intimate issues is taboo. Presenting a polished package to the world has its benefits, but it also caused me to believe I had to be perfect. The truth was, I was struggling and it made me feel isolated and alone. This whole experience helped me understand the benefit of being vulnerable, which is why I am proud to share my experience with other women. Life is too short to worry about what you look like in a bathing suit. An elongated labia is nothing to be ashamed of, but it’s also not necessary to struggle with pain for the rest of your life!

And did I struggle. I can’t believe I no longer have to deal with tugging, itching, and constant discomfort. No more “quickies” in the bathroom to adjust my undergarments. Now, I ask myself how I lived that way for so long. I don’t have to schedule my after-work activities around pain relief – a lengthy soak in a hot bath – I can take my kids for a hike, to the park or just play in our backyard.”

Adjusting My Life

“I work in an office, which means a lot of sitting. I was so embarrassed to have to sneak away to the bathroom as often as I did, but there was no other way to get the relief I needed. I put in a request to work remotely, but ended up having to find a job where I could work from home. I hate that I was forced to make that decision, but the discomfort was too much. Had I only known sooner that relief was possible.

After the conversation with my sister, I decided to get a labiaplasty.”

Why Get a Labiaplasty?

A labiaplasty’s cosmetic and functional benefits can help women at any point in life. Labiaplasties can:

  • Enhance the shape and look of the labia.
  • Eliminate redness, swelling and irritation from chafing.
  • Allow freedom of choice with clothing and activities.
  • Increase self-esteem.

“Think about it this way: a few months from now, you can continue to adjust your life to accommodate the pain and embarrassment of an elongated labia or enjoy your new, pain-free, carefree lifestyle. I can’t recommend a labiaplasty enough. It’s a game-changer. I have never been happier!”

Book your consultation with one of Plastic Surgeons of Lexington’s surgeons today, and you, too, can experience life without pain. Contact our office by calling (859) 276-3883 or fill out a contact form, and we will reach out to you as soon as possible.

Candidates for Labiaplasty in Lexington, KY

Women are affected by an abnormal appearance of the labia minora, whether legitimate or perceived. Negative genital self-image can produce feelings of emotional and psychosexual torment. It can also make it difficult to enjoy sex. (1) Along with cosmetic concerns, physical discomfort is caused by the labia minora protruding past the labia majora. Physicians now understand how this combination affects every aspect of women’s lives. The benefits of labiaplasty can help women who have given birth vaginally as well as women who experience these issues due to genetics, hormonal fluctuations, or injury.

Although the prevalence of labiaplasty procedures grew 217% in five years and resulted in a 90% patient satisfaction rate, it is essential to approach aesthetic genital plastic surgery realistically. Evolving societal norms can cloud self-image, so it is important to separate body dysmorphia from a genuine need and desire for a labiaplasty. Consider your reasons for surgery carefully and if other treatment methods might benefit you. (2)

Personal Consultation

At Plastic Surgeons of Lexington, patients will benefit from a skilled and experienced surgeon who is able to put nervous minds at ease. We understand the seriousness with which patients approach genital issues. During your personal consultation, share your concerns freely with your surgeon to help them understand how your elongated labia has affected your life. A physical examination will educate your surgeon as you provide important information, including any vaginal births you’ve experienced, childbirth complications you may have faced, and your overall sexual health.

Preparing for a Labiaplasty

Surgical candidates should follow these essential guidelines leading up to and following their labiaplasty procedure:

  • Temporarily pause smoking and tobacco use two weeks before and while recovering from your labiaplasty.
  • Do not take certain medications and supplements.
  • Arrange to have a friend or relative drive you home after surgery.
  • Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing on the day of surgery and the weeks following.

Your surgeon will provide an informational packet with instructions for you to follow to prepare for your surgery.

The Labiaplasty Procedure

Before your procedure begins, patients will receive preoperative antibiotics. This procedure can be performed in the office with conscious sedation and local anesthetics or as an outpatient surgery under monitored anesthesia care. (2) Your surgeon will discuss the best option for your labiaplasty procedure.

The two main surgical methods used in a labiaplasty procedure are:

Trim Technique

The approach most often chosen by surgeons is the trim technique or edge excision. Removing extra tissue from the edge of the labia reduces the size and shape of the labial area, which is a good option for women with darker pigmentation or labial thickness. Complications such as bleeding, painful scarring, and scalloped edges are minimized with surgical expertise. (3)

Wedge Excision

Another standard labiaplasty technique is the wedge excision, which removes a wedge-shaped piece of tissue from the labia before skilled aesthetic reconstruction rebuilds the labial area. Women with thinner, more defined labial contours will benefit from this technique. (4)

Recovery After a Labiaplasty

“While I was sure the pain would hit any moment, my recovery was manageable! (I made sure to get my pain meds ahead of time.) It was nice to have a few days to do nothing but binge a new series and talk on the phone. My friends call me the new “lady-a” with a new “labia,” and I certainly am. During my recovery, I made sure to walk around a little each day to help with healing and circulation, and when I felt increased discomfort, I applied an ice pack, which was a lifesaver.”

Allow your labiaplasty to fully heal, from six weeks to a few months, before engaging in sexual intercourse or any activity that might irritate the area. Additionally, please observe the following guidelines:

  • Tampons – do not use tampons until your surgeon gives you the go-ahead
  • Clothing – keep it loose and comfortable
  • Swimming – avoid swimming pools, saunas, and hot tubs

Don’t Suffer in Silence

“I don’t live with regrets, but a part of me wishes I had done this sooner. You can’t imagine the freedom a labiaplasty will give you. Now, I don’t think twice before engaging in physical activity, and I am happy to say I have found a romantic partner because I am no longer afraid of intimacy. I would say to anyone who is suffering in silence, speak up! There is no shame in finding a solution for labia pain and discomfort.”

If you are ready to schedule your consultation to get you on the path to a labiaplasty or another of the cosmetic procedures we offer, please call us at (859) 276-3883. Our friendly staff will be happy to help you, or you can fill out our contact form, and we will be in touch shortly.

What is the Cost of a Labiaplasty in Lexington, KY?

Your surgeon will discuss the cost of your labiaplasty procedure during your personal consultation. Schedule yours today!


  1. Goodman MP, Placik OJ, Matlock DL, et al. Evaluation of Body Image and Sexual Satisfaction in Women Undergoing Female Genital Plastic/Cosmetic Surgery. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. 2016;36(9):1048-1057. doi:10.1093/asj/sjw061
  2. Willis, R. N., Wong, C. S., Pai, A., & Patel, B. C. (2021). Labiaplasty Minora Reduction. Retrieved from PubMed website:
  3. Oranges CM, Sisti A, Sisti G. Labia minora reduction techniques: a comprehensive literature review. Aesthet Surg J. 2015;35:419–431. Found in Furnas, Heather J. MD Trim Labiaplasty, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open: May 2017 – Volume 5 – Issue 5 – p e1349 
  4. Furnas, H. J. (2017). Trim Labiaplasty. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open, 5(5), e1349.